понедельник, 13 мая 2019 г.

essay "Suggesting solutions to the problem"    - Making the lessons interesting (дата 07.05)

     Usually we seemed that our school is a hell and nothing can be done about it. We are given homework every day and we hate this. But how  we can do school more interesting?
I think there are many solutions to this problem.
     In the first solution it is to be more organized all the time in school. Because then you remember more information,  which will helped to you during homework.
     Secondly, less distracted by foreign objects. Remove all unnecessary from the table and start working.
      As a final idea, I think that if homework was unusual, children liked lesson an homework. Many creative ideas and different tasks will raise interest for work. 
     Now I can make many conclusions:  for interesting homework need student interest and teacher's attention to work. Also we can make lessons in different formats. Example: Today we shoot a video tomorrow draw a crossword puzzle on the topic.
I hope these tips will be useful to you.

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